Future Art Ecosystems 3: Art x Decentralised Tech Launch

Future Art Ecosystems 3: Art x Decentralised Tech Launch


Join us for a live presentation of FAE3 addressing the possibilities for a more interoperably (i.e. cross-organisationally integrated) vision for 21st century cultural infrastructure. FAE 3 identifies new patterns for organisational and creative innovation within the broader space of decentralised technologies, variably dubbed as ‘web3’, ‘crypto’ and ‘dweb’. Through a series of interviews with specialists across art, web3, crypto, dweb, innovation policy and civic, the briefing articulates various horizons for reconfiguring how practitioners and the cultural sector at large can operationalise production, distribution and financial support systems. FAE 3 formulates a series of prospective strategies for existing and new cultural organisations interested in AxAT and the latter’s role in supporting resilient democratic societies.



During the launch, our collaborators at RadicalxChange – a global movement for next-generation political economies – will lead a collective deliberation exercise with the help of pol.is, a digital platform that uses advanced statistics and machine learning to understand what large groups of people think, and illuminate areas of common ground and consensus across different opinion groups.





About Future Art Ecosystems

Future Art Ecosystems (FAE) was born out of a need to inform organisational development in the arts and specifically around ecosystem design for art and advanced technologies (AxAT). While there is a rich discursive space that revolves around art’s critical interventions into contemporary technologies such as AI, blockchain and immersive technologies, and their mainstream narratives, a dedicated focus on operational and infrastructural conditions for supporting and developing AxAT has been largely lacking.

Since 2019, FAE has united and platformed the voices of leading artists, technologists, cultural organisations and civic actors, whose efforts are directed towards building out new systems that can drive organisational and creative innovation.






About Pol.is workshop with RadicalxChange

Pol.is a digital platform for deliberations, which uses machine learning and advanced statistical methods to highlight the points of agreement and disagreement that exist within a community. In this exercise we will use pol.is to work with the question: “What are the steps we need to take to help bring about an interoperable cultural sector?“. Participants will be asked to write short statements in response to the question (anonymously), and evaluate each other’s statements. At the end, a report will be shared with the group, containing actionable insights that will help inform future collective action.







About Future Art Ecosystems

Future Art Ecosystems (FAE) is an annual strategic briefing launched in 2020 that provides conceptsreferenceslanguage and arguments that can be integrated into operational agendas for 21st century cultural infrastructure: the systems that support art and advanced technologies as a whole, and respond to a broader societal agenda.







About Arts Technologies

Serpentine’s Arts Technologies at Serpentine proposes critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on advanced technologies through artistic interventions.

Supporting artist-led experimentation that challenges and reshapes the role that technologies can play in culture and society is at the heart of Arts Technologies’ commitment to Serpentine’s public mission. The programme supports artists in nurturing ambitious ideas and developing artworks that work with advanced technologies as a medium, tool or topic, often evolving iteratively and operating beyond gallery walls.

The foundation of the Arts Technologies programme is located in an evolving R&D Platform that supports the development of infrastructures for ongoing artistic exploration and interrogation of wider technological conditions within society.