25 May Reykjavík Global Forum – Davos Edition 2022
We’re only going to Davos for Iceland and because of sisterhood of course! You can read about the latest findings of the Reykjavík Index for Leadership, which measures society’s perceptions of women’s and men’s suitability to lead. Named Best of Davos 2019, it’s the world’s first measure, covering the G20 countries.
For more Icelandic news click here and here. The second link is not really new “news”but we’re deep into R&D on green Bitcoin mining. Because we believe green Bitcoin mining can accelerate renewable energy adaption with the speed of Lightning (of course smarter folks agree with us as well like Ark Invest and Block Inc).
What if Bitcoin and nature consists of the same building blocks? What if Bitcoin mining can be Future positive and climate conscious?! These are the Q’s we’re unpacking.
“Standing before ethereal, bubbling pools, she felt an almost palpable connection to the inner workings of the earth, “both terrifying and beautiful at the same time,” she says. The sulphur-smelling waters steamed and hissed, many decibels below the crypto-digital roar to which they’re weirdly—and maybe inextricably—linked.”