With its motto PLANET LOVE the VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2021 is dedicated to the greatest challenge of our digital age: climate care. PLANET LOVE means a fundamentally new relationship between people and planet, which aims at using the Earth’s resources considerately rather than maximizing their exploitation, and whose approach is characterized by humility, respect, and appreciation of its biological diversity and beauty. Climate care is considered a central aspect of PLANET LOVE and goes far beyond decarbonizing the economy and society: it encompasses the question of how we can build a regenerative foundation for our relationship to the Earth evoking the most important ingredient in combating the climate crisis: empathy
The VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2021 with its title PLANET LOVE. Climate Care in the Digital Age will open on 27 May 2021. In exhibitions and discussion projects its organizers—the MAK, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the Kunsthalle Wien, the Architekturzentrum Wien, and the Vienna Business Agency, as well as the KUNST HAUS WIEN as a new partner and the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as a non-university research partner—are bringing together visionary designs and exceptional ideas by artists, designers, and architects who make a radical change to our societies and economies irresistible in the interests of PLANET LOVE and sustainable climate care.
The VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2021 aspires to fire our imaginations, promote the vision of ecosocially regenartive societies and economies, and offer innovative ideas and solutions: to mitigate the climate crisis, to restore and preserve ecosystems, to maintain biodiversity, and to use digital technologies for the benefit of the climate and environment. It not only encourages visitors to stop and reconsider but also demands that every sociopolitical force and every individual take resolute action to overcome the climate and ecological crisis.

The Vienna Biennale is the first event of its kind to combine art, design, and architecture, with the aim of generating creative ideas and artistic projects to help improve the world. Its category-spanning, interdisciplinary approach and combination of artistic ambition and the creative economy open up new perspectives on central topics of our time and thus promote positive change in our society. The Vienna Biennale was established with the understanding that we are living in a new modernity in which the digital revolution penetrates all areas of our life and is thus fundamentally changing our civilization. Today’s Digital Modernity offers considerable potentials for lasting improvements in quality of life as well as innovative living concepts and business models in every sector.

This new biennale in Vienna was established with the recognition that Vienna was one of the centers of the previous era of Western Modernity around 1900, from which significant impulses emerged whose effects in some cases continue to be felt to this day. Thus, Vienna can be seen as an authentic, credible location for the search for new paths to positive change. By following in this extraordinary tradition of experimentation, the Vienna Biennale aims to find answers to today’s most important issues and utilize the potentials of the creative revolution in order to offer people new insights for crucial areas of life. The Vienna Biennale was born of the conviction that Vienna is the right place to develop a new, coherent, and unique biennale. The focus will be on people, who need one thing above all in times of radical change: orientation! Come join us!