Author: anti

  Big corporations use marketing to trick us into thinking that the solution to all our problems lies in buying more of their stuff. The real solution is often the exact opposite: it consists in consuming less, not more. In most cases, our problems are caused by...

    We believe the future is decentralized and equally distributed. Are you in?   [embed][/embed]   Bitcoin is back. Again. Nearly three years after it went on a hair-bending rise and hit a peak of $19,783, the price of a single Bitcoin rose above that for the first time on Monday, according...

On October 10, 2020, next to the USS Iowa in San Pedro, CA,  our friends at AltaSea are hosting The Blue Hour, a drive-in fundraiser that will honor those who have paved the way for AltaSea and who will continue to forge new paths. Highlights of...

    THE WORLD HOPE FORUM Under siege from the Covid-19 virus, many people have come to understand that they should change their behaviour patterns, no longer travelling too much, producing too much, consuming too much or using up too many resources. The comfort of being at and...